Devotional Making Disciples


The paved path I walk most mornings is shifting. 

Lifted. Moved. Broken.  

By earthquake, flood, or foot traffic?

No. Roots of nearby trees travel underneath. Moving asphalt. Breaking through brick and stone. 

Revealing their power and hold. Eventually breaking through from underneath the surface. Disrupting my steps.

Roots disrupting.

Trust in the Lord

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart….” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

All? Yes, all. Not the part. But the whole.

“Search me, O God and know my heart…” (Psalm 139:23-24)  And He does. Revealing hidden chambers. Locked tight. Corners where I hold fast to self-reliance. Secrets. Pride. Fear.

Can I trust Him with even these?  Yes.

He will make your paths straight. Image by Thomas WIllmott, Unsplash.
Making Disciples Memoir

Cry out

This past week, I sit numb. Shaken. Shocked by sheer brutality.

And cry out for the ones who can’t breathe. 

Weep for those with necks slammed against asphalt under the knee of racism. Relentless, insidious racism. Again and again.

The snake slithers. Just beneath the surface of society. Often hidden in the dark. Feeding pride and arrogance. Fear. Prejudice. 


Minneapolis, May 2020. Photo by Josh Hild, Unsplash photos.