
Enemy at the gate

Enemy at the gate. In our everyday lives. Enemy of our souls–the deceiver.

Making promises that entice. Feeding our longing for things to be easy. Comfortable. 

Highlighting our fears of future unknowns. Making us wonder about God’s good purpose. His ordained plan.

Sometimes it’s tempting to give in to the lie. What sounds better. Almost true. 

Enemy at the gate. Image by Dan Gold on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Unfolding year

Unfolding year before us. Already scheduled with best-laid plans that can so quickly come apart. Scatter. 

The unexpected changes calendars. Disrupts orderly lives. Next steps. 

A look back at the past year is case-in-point.

Unfolding year. Image by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Give thanks

Leaves crunch beneath my feet. Cold front moved in. So the air is chilled. Still.

Inside I’m scattered. 


Not sure how to process what’s happening. The unexpected hard.

“In everything give thanks”? How? 

Give thanks. Image by Armon Arani on Unsplash.