Devotional Making Disciples

Unfolding year

Unfolding year before us. Already scheduled with best-laid plans that can so quickly come apart. Scatter. 

The unexpected changes calendars. Disrupts orderly lives. Next steps. 

A look back at the past year is case-in-point.

Unfolding year. Image by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash.


But when darkness falls abruptly. Or upheaval rocks us off-kilter. Even there teach us to trust. 

Clinging to the Rock who remains. Steady and sure. 

Never changing. Or shifting. 

We are not left hopeless and helpless.

We are not alone.

Each turn on the path

In sickness and in health. 

Through loss. And navigating something new. 

With treasures and trials of family and friendships.

Each turn on the path. Flight. Roadtrip.

Every single scenario before us is known by You. And we can rest in the certainty of Your Presence. 

Because Your Word is true. Your promises unshaken.  Your love, never failing. 

Unfolding year

In the unfolding year, keep us abiding in Christ through prayer and the luminous truth of Your Word. In fellowship with Your Body. 

Proclaiming You are Lord in every place and circumstance. Every desert and dark valley. For each generation. And every nation, tribe, people, and language. 

“Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us—to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations,
forever and ever. Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20-21

What about you?

How is His Word encouraging you to trust Him as you begin another year? 

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4 replies on “Unfolding year”

Him, the Word, is so very intentional and fixed -to display His greatness. So humbled as He reveals Himself more and more.
Susan, Thank you for writing and directing to Him!

Yesterday was an emotional day – the celebration of the life of a dear friend via early morning livestream, followed by a devotion that included both Elisha’s call and Peter’s call, and a sermon in the church I visited on the resurrection and living prepared to meet Jesus. I was reminded that releasing EVERYTHING to Him is costly in this earthly life and has a reward beyond imagination in our eternal home.

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