
All we cannot see

The new year approaches.
And we’re looking sideways at the year that was. 

Planned calendar undone.
Change unexpected.
Grief unwanted.

Up close and personal reminders
of all we do not know. 
All we cannot see. 

All we cannot see. Image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.

Look back

So we look back and remember.
Acknowledge what took place. 
Ask aloud lingering questions.

Then surrender.

Yield every part.
To the Lord.
Resting in the arms of the One who sees.
And knows.


Look ahead

Next, we look ahead. Consider what’s to come. 
All we do not know.
All we cannot see.

Acknowledge fears of the unknown.
Tendencies to hold back
from making plans.
That might fall through.

Then surrender all.
What will take place. What will not.
Trusting the One who sees what tomorrow holds.
He knows.

Abide in Christ

We look back. Look ahead. 
And do what we know to do.
Because He said so.

Abide in Christ. Through prayer. And the Word. This, daily. It’s the only way.

Ask for and walk in the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit. We are foolish to launch out in our own knowledge and strength. 

Participate in the Body of Christ. Fellowship with our brothers and sisters. Encourage and love one another. Love our enemies. Love.

And go. Go and make disciples of all nations. Serving our King. Here, there, everywhere.


Father, we’re entering a new year.

We pray that You, the glorious God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would give each of us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. Make us hungry to know You. Teach us Your ways.

We pray that the eyes of our hearts may be enlightened so we know daily what is the hope of Your calling. May we overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit, for You are the God of hope.

We pray we may know what is the wealth of Your glorious inheritance in the saints, our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are the Body. Members of one another. Differently gifted, we need each other as we seek to do Your will in this world.

We pray that we may know what is the immeasurable greatness of Your power toward us who believe, according to the mighty working of Your strength. 

We surrender all we do not know and all we cannot see. 

In the name of Jesus.

[Eph. 1:15-23; Rom. 15:13; Rom. 12:3-10]

What about you?

Are you taking time to look back at 2020 and look forward to 2021? What is your prayer for the new year?

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18 replies on “All we cannot see”

A great worthy list of what we CAN do: look back, look ahead, Abide, and pray! Thanks Suz for continued focus!

I’ve been using one journal since April 2020 and I read all of it this weekend and made notes about prayers prayed and answers I can already see! I’m using this as my starting point for my 2021 journal. I also want to begin re-reading old journal books from previous years and remembering God’s story as He has revealed it to me!

I’m also reading through my 2020 journals (I keep slim journals so there are several)…and noticing those prayer requests that were answered! Such a good exercise of remembrance and thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing 🙂

I am grateful for your blog & friendship through the years! God bless us, one & all, in this new year. May He use us to bring Him gloryj!jcl

Very helpful in these turbulent times to keep focused on the ‘author and finisher of our faith’ and to surrender everything to Him! Thanks, Susan

Abide in Christ. Through prayer. And the Word. This, daily. It’s the only way.

Beautiful, Spirit inspired, gifted writing.

Thank you for reminding me to press into Jesus this year and always.

Was thinking about 2020 and all that happened and how I felt. And resolved to go into the New Year with hope. I want to be obedient to His Voice no matter what…

I would love to hear from you!

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