Devotional Memoir

Heart and soul

In the realm of heart and soul,
You ask for all.
Hands open,
I give the
incomplete all
that I know.
You receive.
Tenderly. Welcoming
broken parts,
scattered pieces
of a repentant,
You save the sin-sick soul.

Heart and soul. Image by Debby Hudson on Unsplash.
Making Disciples Memoir

Cry out

This past week, I sit numb. Shaken. Shocked by sheer brutality.

And cry out for the ones who can’t breathe. 

Weep for those with necks slammed against asphalt under the knee of racism. Relentless, insidious racism. Again and again.

The snake slithers. Just beneath the surface of society. Often hidden in the dark. Feeding pride and arrogance. Fear. Prejudice. 


Minneapolis, May 2020. Photo by Josh Hild, Unsplash photos.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Stones in the river

The sand was slippery. Soft. Shifting as we plunged through it to our tents by the river. 

Not just any river. The brilliant blue-green water rushing by this camp was the Ganga, otherwise known as the Ganges. Worshiped by millions of Hindus. 

The Ganga River, Rishikesh, India