Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Summer heat

Sun beat down on flat roofs in long Karachi summers. 

Electricity failed. Lines melted. Disconnecting and falling in the street.

The interior of our home was an oven. Climbing over 100 degrees at times. 

We read of people dying in Chicago one summer. Why? Fans combined with heat above a certain temperature in their apartments turned those spaces into convection ovens. 

Oh. We were getting cooked.

Summer heat. Image by Karthik Swarnkar on Unsplash.

Look up

Dawn. And I’m walking on a path interrupted by roots. Stumbling on acorns hidden beneath fallen leaves. 

The way feels uneven. 


I can’t look up. In the grey. Before full light reveals. 

Path interrupted. Image by Anton Atanasov on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples


We live in a world of instant information. 

Nonstop noise invading silence.

Multiple voices vie for attention and devotion. Some offer good messages and interesting ideas. But these too can distract. Derail. 

And keep me from relying on the best. 

His Word. 


Silence and solitude. Image by Paula Chaaya on Unsplash.