Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Seasons change

Trees. Luminous in the forest. As the dying begins. 

Letting go. Piece by piece. Leaf by leaf. 

Orange. Yellow. Red. 

Beautiful. And certain. 

Seasons change. 

Seasons change. Image by Andreas Dress on Unsplash.

Look up

Dawn. And I’m walking on a path interrupted by roots. Stumbling on acorns hidden beneath fallen leaves. 

The way feels uneven. 


I can’t look up. In the grey. Before full light reveals. 

Path interrupted. Image by Anton Atanasov on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Beauty of timing

On a drive. After rain. Mist and fog still hang in the air. Limiting the view ahead. 

But our eyes glance to the sides of the road. And we see. The beauty of timing.

Revealed. All along the way. Shining in the dark. Through woods, green and deep.

Dogwood in bloom.

Dogwood in bloom. Image by Isabella and Louisa Fischer on Unsplash.