Crossing Cultures Memoir

Listing losses

Back in the day we studied our stress by listing losses. Marking life experiences.

All the cross-cultural moves. Illnesses. Births. Deaths. Evacuations.

Added up, the numbers were telling. 

Stress levels confirmed.

Listing losses.
Crossing Cultures Memoir

Arrivals and departures

Arrivals and departures. Travel patterns of individuals. Families. Groups.   

People of various languages and cultures and ethnicities. In the ebb and flow through airports. 

Walking the halls. Rushing from one terminal to another.

Or sitting. Wandering. Sleeping. 

While they wait.

Arrivals and departures. Image by Engin Yapici on Unsplash
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


1971. Our family travels to a town in the mountains for the mission’s annual meeting.  

And I’m participating in the youth gathering.

What I remember? The impact still felt today?

Two testimonies. 

And what happens next.

1971 meeting