
Did God really say…?

“Did God really say…?” The serpent’s ploy through the ages. 

Deceiver. Casting doubt on God’s Word.

Casting doubt on God.

Casting doubt.

Deceiver. Twisting His command. And intent.

Then misleading the listener. About the outcome of disobedience. 

“Did God really say…?” Image by Andreas Bodemer on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples

Keep singing

The wilderness soundtrack sounds like desert thirst. Barren field. Little fruit. 

We sit in a conference with workers from some of those fields. Where the gospel has been sung. Refrain after refrain. 

To no response.

Their voices strain at the chords. Lament in the place of veiled hearts. Where darkness is palpable. 

I remember. The struggle to keep singing in the land where captives remained captive. Hearts closed to the One and Only.

Keep singing. Photo by John Price, Unsplash
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Parenting in the spiritual battle

The journals come in all sizes. Most have survived extremes. Dust and drought. Mold and humidity. It shows. 

They hold my life records. The common, daily occurrences of a cross-cultural life. The ongoing spiritual battle. 

And the struggles of our children in the midst of it all.

Constant illnesses. Anxieties. Hurt. Fears.

In dust and drought. Mold and humidity.

A few journals from the collection.