
Watch and pray

“Watch and pray.”

Jesus said this to His followers. In the hours leading up to His arrest and trial and crucifixion. 

Garden of Gethsemane. Place of excruciating surrender. 

“Not my will, but Yours be done.”

Watch and pray. Image by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash.

Did God really say…?

“Did God really say…?” The serpent’s ploy through the ages. 

Deceiver. Casting doubt on God’s Word.

Casting doubt on God.

Casting doubt.

Deceiver. Twisting His command. And intent.

Then misleading the listener. About the outcome of disobedience. 

“Did God really say…?” Image by Andreas Bodemer on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Ancient walls

Light falls. Through the archway. Across timeworn stones.

We sit in cool shade. Island breeze, soft. The old city, silent.

Footsteps echo in narrow passageways. Against ancient walls. In Malta.

Climbing uneven steps, we look out across a valley. Small villages scattered here and there. White houses. Flat roofs.

These stretch out to a defined edge. On the Mediterranean Sea. 

Ancient walls. Malta, 2022.