Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Ancient walls

Light falls. Through the archway. Across timeworn stones.

We sit in cool shade. Island breeze, soft. The old city, silent.

Footsteps echo in narrow passageways. Against ancient walls. In Malta.

Climbing uneven steps, we look out across a valley. Small villages scattered here and there. White houses. Flat roofs.

These stretch out to a defined edge. On the Mediterranean Sea. 

Ancient walls. Malta, 2022.

Apostle Paul

Later we walk on a rocky cliff that drops off to deep blue waters.

Sunshine and a cloudless sky. 

No storm today. But I think about the apostle Paul. And a shipwreck on the rocks.

Prisoners and sailors. Soldiers. All swimming for their lives.

Welcomed by the people of this very island. Residents who showed them “extraordinary kindness,” Luke says.


Before long, they’re invited and entertained by the leading man of the island in that day. Publius.

Then Paul prays for Publius’s ailing father. And he is healed.

“After this, the rest of those on the island who had diseases also came and were healed.”

When they set sail from Malta, the people supply them with everything they need. (Acts 28:10)

Ancient walls

We walk on stone paths. Sit in the shadow of ancient walls.

Look out over towns and villages and deep blue waters. 

We pray for the people whose ancestors welcomed a motley crew from a shipwreck. 

We pray more and more of them will come to a knowledge of the Truth. Turning to follow the Savior. The One Paul lived and died for.

Jesus Christ.

What about you?

Have you ever walked ancient paths and prayed for the current residents of those places? What is your prayer?

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3 replies on “Ancient walls”

I had the joy of visiting Byblos, Ephesus, Athens – each was overwhelming. I could almost feel the weight of history. Especially in Athens, I felt so burdened for the people to know God personally!

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