Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Peace. Be still.

In cross-cultural living over the years, daily conversations provide interesting entry points. For the gospel.

Asking the Spirit for wisdom, I watch and listen. Then see opportunities to share truth. Relating stories from Scripture. 

In South and Southeast Asia, I notice one particular account often comes up. Addressing fears–named and unnamed. Pointing to our Savior. 

That time Jesus said, “Peace. Be still.”

“Peace. Be still.” Image by Silas Baisch on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir


We drive up the mountain. Travel the winding road through saguaro forest. Vegetation changing as we climb toward the upper elevation.

And pine trees.

Cool air.


One of the times we stopped at Windy Point. Image by yours truly.
Devotional Memoir

Coming through the night

Motionless. I sit. In sunlight. Stilled by loss and grief spilling across screens and down streets. Through personal stories of friends and strangers. Hard and sad.

Bitter wounds. Raw pain rooted deep. Laid bare.

Motionless. I wait. Stilled by the scale of it. What are we to do? Hands rest, palms up.
Eyes lifted to open sky between tall trees.
Wordless cry to the One I trust. 

Eyes lifted to open sky.