
Look up

Dawn. And I’m walking on a path interrupted by roots. Stumbling on acorns hidden beneath fallen leaves. 

The way feels uneven. 


I can’t look up. In the grey. Before full light reveals. 

Path interrupted. Image by Anton Atanasov on Unsplash.

empty skies

Empty skies. In the days following 9/11/2001. The flight pattern over our home in Virginia—suddenly silent.  

My husband was traveling in West Africa at the time. He called and I wept. We felt the distance in the midst of uncertainty. 

Our world changed that day, but we drew near to the One who never changes. Held on to His Word. And Joshua 1:9 became our family verse during that season.

“Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Remembering 9/11. Image by Matteo Catanese on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir


Refuge. In the tropical afternoons of my childhood. 

I’m sitting on soft dirt. Amid twisted roots. Under a canopy of thick, intertwined bougainvillea branches growing by the backyard fence. 

Shelter. From unrelenting sun. 

Shade. For afternoon play with plastic teacups and bowls. A plentiful supply of leaves and blossoms within reach. 

The secret place where I can rest. And just be. 

Refuge from hot sun under the bougainvillea. Image by me.