Devotional Making Disciples


Some days we need a benediction.

Proclaiming who He is and what He does.

Anchoring hearts.

Stabilizing steps.

Resting weary souls.

Yes, some days we need a benediction.

benediction. Image by Priscilla du Preez on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir


Refuge. In the tropical afternoons of my childhood. 

I’m sitting on soft dirt. Amid twisted roots. Under a canopy of thick, intertwined bougainvillea branches growing by the backyard fence. 

Shelter. From unrelenting sun. 

Shade. For afternoon play with plastic teacups and bowls. A plentiful supply of leaves and blossoms within reach. 

The secret place where I can rest. And just be. 

Refuge from hot sun under the bougainvillea. Image by me.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Morning exercise at sunrise. Walking at a fast clip, tuned in to a podcast. Suddenly, there it is. Fragrance. 

Distinct. Sweet. I don’t even have to look.


Stopping, I turn and see. Down the the slope. A riot of honeysuckle blooms. Taking over the thicket. 

Honeysuckle. Image by Dieter Staab at Pixabay.