Devotional Making Disciples


Obscurity marks journeys of the faithful. 

Not planned, necessarily. 

Or wanted. 

But purposeful in the work and way of the Lord. 

Obscurity. Image by Daniel Burka on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Morning exercise at sunrise. Walking at a fast clip, tuned in to a podcast. Suddenly, there it is. Fragrance. 

Distinct. Sweet. I don’t even have to look.


Stopping, I turn and see. Down the the slope. A riot of honeysuckle blooms. Taking over the thicket. 

Honeysuckle. Image by Dieter Staab at Pixabay.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples

Mystery revealed

The look on her face is one of awe. Sheer wonder.

“It is hard to imagine,” she says. “I never dreamed God could be like that.”

I am watching mystery revealed. A startling front row view of how He works.

Artwork by Jenna Lafferty