Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Equip in the spiritual battle

The house was bright and airy. The back door opened to a lovely garden.

The garden at our house in Indonesia.

A year after we moved our family to Indonesia, we were looking for a house to rent. This one seemed just right. We moved in. And slowly put things in order.

Then Jenna came to me one evening. Afraid. She was 10 years old.

“Every time I go into a dark room at this house, I see the outline of a man. He has two red eyes. I’m scared to go in the dark rooms.”

This was not the first time she had mentioned the red eyes. And it wouldn’t be the last.

Acknowledge there’s an adversary

Recently, Jenna and I recalled this incident. She reminded me what happened next. 

“When I told you what I’d seen, you took me to every dark room and we prayed. I never saw the man again.”

Sometimes equipping our children happens in the midst of the spiritual battle. We acknowledge there’s an adversary. Then simply model what to do.

Pray together. Assure our children that we’re dependent on the Lord. 

“When I am afraid, I will trust in You” (Psalm 56:3).

Equip with His Word

And teach them to trust and depend on God’s Word.

We lived in Karachi during our children’s early years. And our family gathered to read Bible stories every night. We talked about the truths we learned. Sometimes they acted them out in dramatic form for fun.

We learned Bible verses. Sang songs of Scripture. Listened to “Hide ‘em In Your Heart” by Steve Green over and over. At home and in the car.

God’s Word in story and song was a firm foundation in the tumult of those years. And reading His Truth together formed an important habit that continued in our home through various moves.

His Word. Equips them for life.

Equip to share

Back to Jenna. And her experience in our new house.

The next year, she came home from an overnight birthday party. And told me about her friend’s fear of the dark.

“She leaves all the lights on at night because she’s afraid.”

What’s she afraid of?

“Evil spirits. So I told her, ‘When you’re afraid, pray to the Lord. Greater is He that’s in you than he that’s in the world. Jesus is greater. He’s stronger than the evil spirits.’ Then we prayed.”

Her simple obedience moved me. And I thanked the Lord for this testimony of His faithfulness in our children’s lives.

Modeling prayer and dependence on Him and His Word equipped her with tools. To share the truth with her friend.

And the Lord gave her the faith and courage to do it.

What about you?

How have you equipped your children or those you mentor for the spiritual battle that is ongoing?

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