Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Star bright

Star light. Star bright. 

Catching the eyes of those who study night skies. 

Radiance. Set apart. Outshining all the others.

Something unusual is going on. Beyond normal star patterns. And they mark the time of its appearing.

I look up in the early dark of winter sky. And think about those wise men long ago.

Star bright. Image by Ales Krivec on Unsplash.



The radiance of God’s glory. The exact expression of His nature. He sustains all things by His powerful word. (Hebrews 1:1-3

Radiance, cloaked. Hidden. In the womb of a young woman named Mary. 

And there, the One who knits us together is knit together. Formed. Protected. Nourished. 

And the time comes. Always anticipated, yet surprising. Sudden. Arriving with birth pangs. Labor. 

And unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given.

Radiance. Bright center of a cluster of stars. Image by NASA on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Coming through the night

Motionless. I sit. In sunlight. Stilled by loss and grief spilling across screens and down streets. Through personal stories of friends and strangers. Hard and sad.

Bitter wounds. Raw pain rooted deep. Laid bare.

Motionless. I wait. Stilled by the scale of it. What are we to do? Hands rest, palms up.
Eyes lifted to open sky between tall trees.
Wordless cry to the One I trust. 

Eyes lifted to open sky.