
Sorting memories

Little stacks of memories. On the floor. 

Newspaper clippings browned with age. Aerogramme letters, typed full-length and on the flaps. Magazine articles. Journal entries. 

There’s no time to read every word.

So we glance. Skim. Scan for tidbits of life history. 

And laugh over stories long forgotten. 

Memories. Mom and Dad in the 1950s. This month they’ve been married 65 years!

Trust Me

In the midst of the move, fears slip in. Without permission. A thin thread of doubt weaves its way through my mind. Second guesses undermine trust.

Trust in the One who leads us.

“Be sober-minded, be alert,” Peter says (1 Peter 5:8). Somedays I’m catching my breath and need this reminder. Front and center.

Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Christmas: the time came

The candle flickers. 

Just enough light to see the words. 

lighted candle

While they were there in Bethlehem to register, “the time came for her to give birth” (Luke 2:6).

The time came. 

On a short-term trip. In the midst of a temporary stay. Far from family and the familiar.