Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Faithfulness. My parents just celebrated a milestone. Their 66th wedding anniversary. 

Sixty-six years traveling together across oceans. Living in tropical urban centers and American towns. 

A journey marked by great joys. Victories.

And deeply painful losses. Hurts. Dark nights.

The thread running through it all? Faithfulness. 


Faithfulness to God

All along their journey, my parents have sought the Lord together. Expressing a hunger to know Him. And to make Him known. Across cultures and across the street.

From childhood I observed this. And noticed their daily time with Him. In prayer and the Word. 

Their marriage verse is Psalm 37:4-5.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord: 
and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; 
and He shall bring it to pass.” (KJV)
Batik of their marriage verse.

Faithfulness to each other

Dad, an only child, married Mom, the youngest of five. There were family culture differences to navigate and work through. 

For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish till death do them part.

They attended marriage workshops. Made efforts to learn better communication skills. Went on personal spiritual retreats together. It took time and focus. 

From a young age I noticed ILY on notes or cards or pieces of paper passed between them. When Dad wrote Mom. Or Mom wrote Dad. Their little signal. Always. 

I Love You. ILY.

Faithfulness to family

Keeping in touch has changed a bit. Back in the day it meant squeezing words into every last corner of an aerogramme. Letters written weekly.

I was in college an ocean away. And looked forward to those epistles. Detailing their lives and asking about mine. 

Today at 90, they learn and adapt to new ways of connection with children and grandchildren. Over texts or social media. 

And all through the years, they’ve been faithful to pray for each one.

Faithfulness to serve

Making disciples is another thread woven throughout their years together. While pastoring in the US, planting churches in Southeast Asia, and after entering retirement, they’ve invested in people. 

In Asia, that meant learning the local heart language with excellence in order to serve effectively. Back in the US they continued to disciple others through the local body of believers.

This year Mom started a Bible study for women in their senior living community. Fifteen women showed up. Some had never really studied the Bible before. 

One said she never read the Bible. “I just can’t understand it. I read the words, but what do they mean?” So, Mom got online and ordered a version that would be easier to read and gave it to her.

She’s teaching them tools for reading Scripture and meditating on key verses.  


Thank You

Thank You, Lord, for my parents. 

Their love and devotion to You has made all the difference to each other and those around them.

Great is Your faithfulness.

Because of the Lord's faithful love we do not perish, 
for his mercies never end. 
They are new every morning; 
great is Your faithfulness! 
Lamentations 3:22-23 CSB

What about you?

Do you have examples in your life of those who reflect His faithfulness? 

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16 replies on “Faithfulness”

What a beautiful picture of your parents. Thank you for sharing it. May the Lord use it to inspire other couples to emulate their example.

I’m reading Genesis and have been thinking about life journeys and God’s plans. What a blessing for so many people that your parents have been faithful to God and each other!

Peter and I also are blessed by your parents and their faithfulness. God is faithful and he will be faithful to complete it!

Well-put. My examples as well. Also–so many of our aunts and uncles, cousins, co-workers, other family members..

Thanks Susan for your faithfulness in writing encouraging words for your friends and family. I love hearing about your parents and their faithfulness to God.

Spent time talking to my parents today and my dad said before hanging up, “I pray for you and Jeff every day.” It has always been a great comfort to me to know he prays for me every day. God has answered those prayers. So grateful for both my parents and their prayers.

I would love to hear from you!

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