Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Christmas: the time came

The candle flickers. 

Just enough light to see the words. 

lighted candle

While they were there in Bethlehem to register, “the time came for her to give birth” (Luke 2:6).

The time came. 

On a short-term trip. In the midst of a temporary stay. Far from family and the familiar.


Broken bowl and the Potter

The simple Indonesian rice bowl broke. 

It was a “free with purchase of dish detergent” blue and white china bowl. So common and ordinary. A reminder of my childhood. 

Plain rice bowl on batik.

But it slipped from my hands, hit the marble countertop in our Delhi flat and broke in two. The last straw in a long day, week, month…year. 

And I broke.

Ordinary, simple vessel on the floor in pieces.