Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Temporary place

Temporary place. A familiar part of the faith journey. 

Each stop. Stirring mute awareness in the back of my mind. And the depths of my soul.

This is not for always. But only for a season. 

No matter where we move. Set up house. And make a home. 

Temporary place. Image by Bibhu Behera on Unsplash.


Tomorrow. Next month. Next year. 
Detailed future schedules, meticulously stored in digital calendars. 
Vanish. Into thin air. Digital air.
As a corona virus disrupts. Delays. Deletes.
And thieves break in.
Whispering fear. Stealing contentment.
This confining space. A refining place. Reveals. 
Makes plain where best-laid-plans put down roots.
And expectations take hold. 

“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will travel to such and such a city.…Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be!…”
James 4:14,15

2020. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Power outages

New Delhi, 2012. The electricity goes off. Right after a loud explosion. Most likely a transformer that’s blown in the neighborhood.

It’s late afternoon when shadows lengthen and shade our second floor flat. I sit in the dark. And wait. 

The mental checklist forms automatically. Honed by long experience. If it’s an extended interruption of power, there are things to do.

Last sun rays before the shadows. New Delhi.