Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Temporary place

Temporary place. A familiar part of the faith journey. 

Each stop. Stirring mute awareness in the back of my mind. And the depths of my soul.

This is not for always. But only for a season. 

No matter where we move. Set up house. And make a home. 

Temporary place. Image by Bibhu Behera on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Where is home?

We move across the world. Connect with new cultures. Plant our lives in soil so different from what we’ve ever known before. 

Airport arrival
One of our favorite airports. December 2013

Where is home? 

The question crosses our minds. Simmers. Hangs in the air.

If we put down roots here, what happens to the other places we’ve called home?