Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Runaway prophet

Runaway prophet. Jonah. 

Flees something more than a hard assignment. And this catches my eye. 

After the storm at sea. After the big fish swallows him whole. After his vow to obey this time.

Even after he proclaims God’s message. To the great city of Nineveh.

He’s still running. From the heart of the One who comes to seek and to save the lost.

Jonah. Image by Matt Hardy on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


From a young age, I heard about Jesus and His love. Sang songs about Him. Listened as my parents read Bible stories. Our family prayed often.  I was loved and cared for.

And yet. 

And yet I was lost. Fearful. Felt the darkness. Something wasn’t right. And I knew it. “Do not lie” seemed to compel me toward that very thing. Lying. 

Something wasn’t right and I knew it…
Devotional Memoir

Heart cry

She lost her faith, she says. I read the interview and pause on the photograph.

Her eyes are sad. Haunting.

Throughout the day her heart cry crosses my mind and I pray for her. For others like her giving up on faith. Walking out on worship. 

Empty. Doubting. 

Empty. Photo by Trent Erwin. Unsplash.