Crossing Cultures Memoir

Unexpected surrender

Unexpected surrender started with an invitation. Out of the blue. To consider a role in the U.S. 

And our immediate thought? No. Can’t be right. Our calling is cross-cultural. Among the nations. 

Besides, we weren’t ready to leave South Asia and her people. The place had wrestled its way into our hearts.

Then another ask came. To focus on megacities in South Asia. Surely that’s the one, we thought. Fits our heart and skill set. New city. Same area of the world.

Unexpected surrender. Image by Jack Stapleton on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


From a young age, I heard about Jesus and His love. Sang songs about Him. Listened as my parents read Bible stories. Our family prayed often.  I was loved and cared for.

And yet. 

And yet I was lost. Fearful. Felt the darkness. Something wasn’t right. And I knew it. “Do not lie” seemed to compel me toward that very thing. Lying. 

Something wasn’t right and I knew it…