Devotional Making Disciples

Seek His face

Seek His face.

During a three-year famine, David inquires of the Lord. Literally—David seeks the face of the Lord. 

In the midst of difficulty and dryness. When things seem not as they should be. I wrestle with the whys.

Then remember. 

“Seek the Lord and His strength;
seek His face always” (1 Chronicles 16:11).

Seek His face. Image by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash.

Who He is

And I do. Inquire. Seek.

Watching for His expressions in the Word. 

His Truth revealing what is His heart in this matter.

It is a quiet search. A waiting. 

Meditating on who He is. The glory of His name. The Word is full of this treasure.

His ways

And studying the mystery of His ways. How He works unexpectedly. 

He moves the hearts of pagan kings. 

And allows the emptiness of wombs.

Sometimes evil reigns are toppled. 

Other days go long with suffering and pain.

Not everything makes sense. Or falls into place. My idea of place, that is.


But my heart is ever learning to rest. Hope. In the certainty and peace of His sovereignty.

Majesty and compassion flow together in Him.

Vast power on display. Yet tenderness still. As the Holy One embraces the weary. Our Mighty King restoring the broken.

And His presence remains steady. Even in the day of shadows. Even when we cry out, “Why, Lord?”

Seek His face

“Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name;

proclaim His deeds among the peoples.

Sing to Him, sing praise to Him;

tell about all His wondrous works!

Boast in His holy name; 

let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.

Seek the Lord and His strength;

seek His face always.” 

Psalm 105:1-4

What about you?

When and how have you sought the face of the Lord? 

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6 replies on “Seek His face”

Susan, Today’s horrific news from the Middle East makes this plea to the Lord to show His face amidst the suffering at holy sites particularly poignant. I know that in your travels and with your world view (and your Christ-centered view) you both share the suffering and share the little rays of hope that might sometime come through all that darkness — the ultimate light that surrounds the one whose hands are always underneath us. How can our fellow human beings in that other land feel those hands now? It’s so hard to imagine.

Dear Ellie, it is difficult to comprehend, yet the Lord gives peace that surpasses understanding. Even in such horrific circumstances. We have a number of friends who are there. Each have expressed grief about all that is happening, yet also tremendous peace in the midst of it all. I am comforted that the Lord is on His throne and is at work even now. Interestingly, I scheduled this post about 10 days ago, to be published this week (I usually schedule two or three ahead of time when I know we’ll be traveling). We had no idea what was going to be happening this weekend, of course–but the Lord knew. His mercies are new EVERY morning. Great is His faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:21-24)

Re concerns for recent events in Middle East, a reminder and prayer from Psalms…the Lord is still on His throne, and He rules in the affairs of men…

Psalm 121
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot be moved;
he who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, he who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord is your keeper;
the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all evil;
he will keep your life.
8 The Lord will keep
your going out and your coming in
from this time forth and forevermore.

Reading Matthew this week and seeing how calm Jesus was! Storms and demons didn’t startle Him! So I need to see Him and trust Him!

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