Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Runaway prophet

Runaway prophet. Jonah. 

Flees something more than a hard assignment. And this catches my eye. 

After the storm at sea. After the big fish swallows him whole. After his vow to obey this time.

Even after he proclaims God’s message. To the great city of Nineveh.

He’s still running. From the heart of the One who comes to seek and to save the lost.

Jonah. Image by Matt Hardy on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples


Dabbling in the Word of God.

Searching for a verse that fits. And serves my agenda. It happens.

Comfort levels sometimes dictate this. Looking for a way to stay. Or leave.

Wanting His Word to match my ways. My methods. 

And back me up.

Dabbling in the Word of God. Image by Timothy Eberley on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Wholehearted devotion

Tucked in the setting of another king’s ebbing allegiance. And his discernible drift from God. 

I see it. 

The verse often quoted. 

Serving as a clarion call for holy commitment. Wholehearted devotion. To the worship and ways of the Lord God Almighty.

Here it sits. Right in the middle of Hanani’s prophetic message. Calling out King Asa.

Abide in Christ through prayer and the Word. Image by Ben White on Unsplash.