Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Looking for beauty

We’ve lived in places of extraordinary beauty.  The spectacular so commonplace in my daily view that I forget what I have. Right in front of me.

Then there are the other places. The hard, trashed out, desert places. No electricity on the hottest days. Water shortages. Just plain, hard living. 

I forget in those settings too.  Forget to look for the beauty.

In my last post, I shared part of that journey to find it even in the unlikely places.

And through a variety of countries and cultures along the way, I’ve learned a few simple things.

Ask for eyes to see

When our daughter Becca was about 4 we took a short vacation to Singapore. From Karachi. 

Singapore is an incredibly clean city. Well-planned. With beautiful green parks and colorful gardens.  Flowers are blooming everywhere. 

After several days surrounded by that beauty, we flew back to Karachi. As we drove home from the airport, Becca started singing about what she was seeing outside the window. 

Through the eyes of a child. Becca in Karachi.

Her song went something like this:
“O, we’re in Karachiii,
and the people are walking on the road.
And the buffalo is standing
in all the mud.
And the dirt is allllll
over the place.
And there are dogs.
And trashhh
is everywhere, everywhere.
And the buses
are making lots of noise.
And there’s some flowers….” 

We were almost home when she suddenly stopped and looked at me with a big smile on her face. 

“Isn’t it beautiful, Mommy? Just like Singapore.”

Just like.

I’ve laughed over the years at her joyful comparison of the two. But I learned too. Through the eyes of a child. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

And beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.  

I pray, “Lord, give me eyes to see Your beauty here.” That I too can say, “Isn’t it beautiful, Father?” 

Celebrate His designs

My mom has always been an expert at noticing beauty in the details. She delights in what He has made. And how He reveals His image in other people and in the intricate designs of creation. 

Finding blueberries with Mom. 2010.

Any walk with Mom means we look for those evidences and celebrate what we see. These are signs of His glory.

I pray, “Lord, help me to watch for and daily celebrate Your designs. In and through Your creation.”

Worship the beautiful Savior

To be honest, sometimes I can’t see the beauty. Anywhere. So when all around me seems dull and ugly, I turn my eyes upon Jesus. 

I remember and focus on true Beauty. The beauty of my Savior and the intricacies of His Word.  

After all, that is what I’m truly longing for.

Today we catch only glimpses. But the fullness of His glory is coming. 

Until then, we worship and adore Him. Celebrate His majesty. 

And pray, “Lord, I want to know You, to see Your beauty, to magnify Your name.” 

I have asked one thing from the Lord;
it is what I desire:
to dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
gazing on the beauty of the Lord
and seeking Him in His temple.
Psalm 27:4

What about you?

What did you see and celebrate today?

RELATED POSTS: Momentary art and the glory of God ; Missing beauty ; Place

5 replies on “Looking for beauty”

Yes, yes, and yes! Thank you! There is a birds nest being built in my entrance way! Right now it looks “clumpy” but soon it will hold new life. Wow! I love Becca’s perspective (be like a child).

I had one of those moments too. I was walking the girls to art class in Kolkata on the dirty roads in our neighborhood, when Christy said, “Mom! Look at the beautiful tree!” And sure enough, there was a tree with beautiful (red? yellow? Can’t remember now) blossoms all over it. I was humbled and reminded to look a little closer.

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