Devotional Memoir


Shell, found. 

Tucked in a side pocket of an old backpack. From some forgotten trip.

Somewhere I walked on a beach. Gazed at the horizon. 

Then looked down for treasure. 

And there they were. Scattered on sand.  Different shapes. Colors. Designs.

Intricate ridges. Swirls. Some perfect. Others, broken and jagged. 

Each reminding me of something more. 

Shell. Image by Javardh on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Something more

Christmas approaches. Like a freight train. It’s that time of year.

Loud in commercials and sales. Glitz and glitter. Richly-colored wrapping and ribbons and bows. 

Bright trees. Exquisite nativities. Christmas baking on point.

And the music. Playlists mixing winter themes and manger scenes. O Holy Night and a blue Christmas without you.

In the midst of it all? Hunger for something more.

Something more. Image by Chris Vanhove on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples

Learning hospitality

Learning hospitality. As we move across the world and enter new cultures.

Not just when I’m opening my home to others. But when they open theirs to me.

I see this in the Master’s instructions to His disciples. As they’re sent out two by two. Traveling to towns and villages. Sharing the good news of the Kingdom of God.

“When you enter any town, and they welcome you, eat the things set before you.” (Luke 10:8)

Learning hospitality. Image by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash.