Devotional Memoir

Something more

Christmas approaches. Like a freight train. It’s that time of year.

Loud in commercials and sales. Glitz and glitter. Richly-colored wrapping and ribbons and bows. 

Bright trees. Exquisite nativities. Christmas baking on point.

And the music. Playlists mixing winter themes and manger scenes. O Holy Night and a blue Christmas without you.

In the midst of it all? Hunger for something more.

Something more. Image by Chris Vanhove on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Hungry for what?

It’s one of those days. Weeks. Seasons. In various places and spaces of our life. And I struggle with restlessness. Discontentment. Distraction. 

Hungry for something I can’t quite put my finger on.

In the middle of such a season, I read John 4. During morning time in His Word. And pause on the verses that come after the woman at the well heads back to her village. 

The conversation between Jesus and His disciples. 

Hungry? Photo by Kate Remmer, on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Inside the cover of a 1995 journal, I find these words: In case of evacuation

And underneath, a simple list. What I hoped to take. 

Bible. Journals. Baby books. Two baby quilts Mom embroidered. Photos. Recipe book.

photograph by Ramiro Martinez on Unsplash