Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

This is why

“I think this is why I’m here.”

We heard it more than once in Karachi. From expatriates on short assignments. With various companies. Consulates. Schools. 

They heard about the international church meeting in our house. And came on Fridays for worship. Cross-cultural living in this “hardship assignment” made them stop and consider what’s crucial. In light of eternity.

Myrna* was one of those. The religious environment in Pakistan made her more aware of spiritual things. 

When asked about her faith, Myrna replied, “I’ve always been a Christian.” 

This is why. John 14:6. Image by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Inside the cover of a 1995 journal, I find these words: In case of evacuation

And underneath, a simple list. What I hoped to take. 

Bible. Journals. Baby books. Two baby quilts Mom embroidered. Photos. Recipe book.

photograph by Ramiro Martinez on Unsplash