Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Not so brave

People look at where you’ve been. Or where you’re headed. Noticing which trials have whipped or trudged through your life. 

And then decide you’ve got unusual fortitude. Courage. Perseverance to endure. 

“You’re so brave. I could never do that.”

I’m not so brave.

Earthen vessel. Image by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


For those who need to surrender. Again. I know how it is. Maybe you’re struggling with the call to stay. Or go. I’ve been there. 

Below is a simple heart cry from several years ago. When I felt weak. Empty. 

He heard.

Embers. photo by ugo on unsplash
Devotional Memoir

God’s inner work

Several years ago we attend a conference at the beach. In Thailand.  One morning I’m out for a walk as the sun rises.

Beach walk in Thailand as the sun rises.

I stop and gaze at the ocean.  The waves roll gently. In and out. Steady.

I’m in the middle of fog and forgetfulness. A strange season of life. Change. Reminders that I’m aging. 

Inside and out, I don’t feel like myself.