Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Cup of water

A cup of water. In debilitating heat, it can mean survival. 

A large clay pot sat beside our gate. Full of water. With cup attached. Ready to meet the need of any passerby. 

Unrelenting sun and desert wind meant dehydration was never far away.

The clay kept the water cool. Even on hot days.

Cup of water. Image by
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


Deathly pale in light of the vision. No strength. 

Alone and overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion, Daniel drops. Face to the ground. 

Powerless. Speechless. Unable to breathe.

And the Lord responds to His servant. With tenderness and strength.

Speechless. Image by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Wholly His

He’s looking for devoted followers. Wholehearted. Wholly His.

Abiding day by day in the Vine.

To fight the good fight. And finish the race.

I watch this in brothers and sisters on the other side of the world. Their nation invaded. Future uncertain.

Yet they remain. Steadfast. Singing songs of faith.

Surrender. Wholly His. Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.