Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Wholly His

He’s looking for devoted followers. Wholehearted. Wholly His.

Abiding day by day in the Vine.

To fight the good fight. And finish the race.

I watch this in brothers and sisters on the other side of the world. Their nation invaded. Future uncertain.

Yet they remain. Steadfast. Singing songs of faith.

Surrender. Wholly His. Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.


While praying for them, I remember. 

How He shows Himself strong in earthen-vessel weakness. Filling fragility with His power. 

Overcome. Yet overcoming. 

“For the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those who are
wholeheartedly devoted to him….”
2 Chronicles 16:9

His ways are mysterious. And true.


Surrender. Often I’m forgetful of this strategic act.

Too many days I can do it myself. Figure things out on my own. 

But a daily habit of focused time in the Word and prayer reveals. Points out the foolishness of this faulty assumption.

And the present-day example of our brothers and sisters catches my breath. And attention. Reminding of what is necessary: absolute dependence on the Lord.

To live His way. And walk by faith. 

Wholly His

Weak and strong. Surrendered and conquering. Earthen vessel made holy for His use. 

Wholly His.  

Lord, expose those parts of my heart that stubbornly hold on to “mine” and “my way.” Interrupting obedience.

Make me wholehearted. Today. 

You are worthy

Strengthen these brothers and sisters walking through danger and dark valleys. Carrying the light of the gospel.

Hold them close to Your heart, Good Shepherd.

You are worthy. And worth it all.

They are Yours. We are Yours.

What about you? 

Is your first instinct to figure it out on your own? How does He point you to wholehearted surrender?

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6 replies on “Wholly His”

Isaiah 40 reminded me today that it is HIS strength, HIS understanding, HIS power – not mine! I didn’t get here by my knowledge, talent or connections – He brought me here!

“Lord, expose those parts of my heart that stubbornly hold on to “mine” and “my way.” Interrupting obedience”. YES! my prayer now!!! thank you

I think as I understand how much I don’t know and more of God’s heart as Father, I realize that surrender is the all that I can do. He knows what is best and will do what is best.

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