Devotional Making Disciples


It’s no secret. There’s strategy in advertising. A bid for my buy-in. 

“If you conform, you’ll truly be successful.” In your field. Home. Community. Life.

“Purchase that to make your life complete.” “Wear this particular clothing line to fit in and stand out.”

“You’ll never move ahead if you don’t hold to this worldview.” 

So they say. Or insinuate. Messaging at every turn.

Conform. Image by Anthony Rosset on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples



Once again, Moses stands at the foot of Sinai. Also known as Horeb. 

This time he’s not alone with the sheep.

But with a multitude. Led out of captivity.

A disobedient, fickle flock.

“Please let me see Your glory.” Image by Raimond Klavins, Unsplash.