Devotional Making Disciples


False prophecy. False claims.

Rampant in Old Testament days. And today.

Hananiah uses the lingo of a true prophet. Sounding official.

“This is what the Lord of Armies, the God of Israel says…. This is the Lord’s declaration…. This is what the Lord says…” (Jeremiah 28:2,4,11).

But he’s using the Lord’s name in vain.

False prophet Hananiah. Jeremiah 28.
Devotional Memoir



Questions asked in the dark have a way of bringing me into light. 

Instead of fear closing in, I draw near.

Up close and personal. 

To the One who knows all.

Why? Image by Vasiliy Skuratov on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir


When Someday seems too far, the fragile heart mourns. Torn. Tender. 

Walking in the weight of sorrow. 

Sitting in the dark.

And we cry out for rocky paths made smooth. The broken place, whole. Strong winds and high waves, stilled.

Longing to affirm the true. And say we are crushed but not in despair.

Someday. Image by Brian Erickson on Unsplash.