Devotional Memoir


Death is the deep shadow. 

Chasm of uninvited separation. Abrupt change. And tangible loss. 

I miss Mom’s voice. Her hugs. Her laugh. And her interest in every little detail. Her focus on what is true and good. Her enthusiasm for learning and growing. Her love for God, His Word. And her example in faithful prayer.

This week would have been her 93rd birthday on earth. 

Chasm. Image by Brandon Griggs on Unsplash.

Did God really say…?

“Did God really say…?” The serpent’s ploy through the ages. 

Deceiver. Casting doubt on God’s Word.

Casting doubt on God.

Casting doubt.

Deceiver. Twisting His command. And intent.

Then misleading the listener. About the outcome of disobedience. 

“Did God really say…?” Image by Andreas Bodemer on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

To the ends of the earth

2020. And the pandemic spreads to the ends of the earth. We wait. And walk in constant change. Cancellations. Upheaval. 

Those serving around the world are affected. Some caught in months of lockdown. Stopped at borders. Forced to leave. Or forced to  stay in their home countries.  

At times it feels overwhelming. As we grieve unexpected losses.

In the middle of it all, I’m drawn back to a familiar psalm of deliverance. Psalm 18. Detailing the sure and powerful rescue by the Almighty.

This time I read the first verse. Stop. And can’t move past it.

I’m compelled in that moment. To reach beyond grief. And dwell on the deep, deep love of my King. Lover of my soul. 

To the ends of the earth. Image by NASA on Unsplash.