Devotional Making Disciples


The paved path I walk most mornings is shifting. 

Lifted. Moved. Broken.  

By earthquake, flood, or foot traffic?

No. Roots of nearby trees travel underneath. Moving asphalt. Breaking through brick and stone. 

Revealing their power and hold. Eventually breaking through from underneath the surface. Disrupting my steps.

Roots disrupting.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples

Gospel clarity

Speaking the gospel with clarity is necessary. Crossing cultures, we learn to think about the way we share. So that it’s understood.

Distorted perceptions of the gospel put up barriers. Foster misleading rumors. Confusing those who live in spiritual darkness. Sometimes for generations.

One volunteer team encountered a false perception as they provided disaster relief.

Speaking truth with clarity. Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Unexpected ways

Unexpected ways. How He pierces hearts. Pursues the lost lamb.

Opens eyes to see. And ears to hear.

During our years in a desert city, a believer shares her story. Tells me the very moment she turned and followed Christ. 

Reading Scripture. And not the usual evangelistic passage.

But pointing to the One who is worthy of our praise. 

Unexpected ways. Image by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash.