

Engraved by diamond point. 
Written with iron stylus. 
On the tablets of their hearts 
and ours. 
Jeremiah 17:1

Cut diamond. Image by Dimitris Christou on Pixabay.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


“We’ve found Him,” Philip says. Bearing witness. Talking about the Promised One. 

And in the pushback from Nathanael, he doesn’t argue. But simply says, “Come and see.” [John 1:43-51]

Over the years, we sojourn in several different countries. Among various cultures and religious traditions. Doing life with new friends, we hear their stories. Share ours.

Over tea with a friend, I bear witness. Tell the most important Story in my life.  About the Promised One who came. And changed me for eternity.

Teatime. Photo by dungthuyvunguyen at pixabay.
Devotional Making Disciples

Come and see

“Come and see,” the psalmist says in Psalm 66. I hear the invitation. To see the works of God. Remember His awesome acts.

And in one brief sentence, the writer speaks volumes. 

“He turned the sea into dry land;
They passed through the river on foot.”
Psalm 66:6

Succinctly said. But the people know. These are two indelible markers on their journey with God. 

The sea and the river. Deliverance and entering the promised land.

Come and see. Photo by Matt Hardy, Unsplash photos.