Devotional Making Disciples

Come and see

“Come and see,” the psalmist says in Psalm 66. I hear the invitation. To see the works of God. Remember His awesome acts.

And in one brief sentence, the writer speaks volumes. 

“He turned the sea into dry land;
They passed through the river on foot.”
Psalm 66:6

Succinctly said. But the people know. These are two indelible markers on their journey with God. 

The sea and the river. Deliverance and entering the promised land.

Come and see. Photo by Matt Hardy, Unsplash photos.


Remember the exodus from Egypt? 

Just when they think they’re caught. With no hope. The enemy in hot pursuit. Their backs against an impassable wall. 

The sea, that is. Vast and deep. 

Just when they think there is no way, God makes a path. Straight through the waters. On dry land. Delivering them out of Egypt. Captivity. Slavery. 

They see it with their own eyes. A marker to remember. And a witness to surrounding nations.

Promised land

The second marker? After wilderness wanderings, they make it to the border of the land they’ve longed for. 

The promised land. 

And the barrier is a river. Harvest-season Jordan River. Overflowing its banks. 

How are they supposed to get across these rapids? 

God makes a way. Through the river. Upstream the water stands, rising in “one heap” at a city called Adam.

Yes, they pass through the river. On foot. And mark this experience with river stones. To remember. 

To come and see.

Come and hear

Moving on through Psalm 66, I find more. “Come and hear,” the psalmist says. “And I will tell of what He has done for my soul.”

Yes, his soul.

He begins to share. How he needed the Lord and how God worked. The truth of his own story is compelling. 

God answered his cry. 

His story

“Come and see” we say. And point to the One who makes a way out of the sin and death that enslaves and holds us captive. 

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” 
John 3:16

He makes a way through His death on a cross, burial in the tomb, and resurrection from the dead. Deliverance from darkness, into the promised land of eternal hope.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 6:23

My story

“Come and hear.” I speak of my own path to salvation. Life before Christ. The deliverance out of slavery and captivity. And the eternal life I’m living now. By the power and work of His Spirit in me.

Lost. But now I’m found.  

Blind. But now I see. 

Dead. But now? Now He has set my soul in life. Through Jesus Christ, my Lord. 

Day by day by day

Come and hear how He answers our cries. Walks with us through deep valleys and desert days. Gives peace that surpasses understanding.  

In every season of life. Day by day by day. His love never fails.

And someday He will lead us Home. 

“He sets our soul in life
And does not allow our feet to slip.”
Psalm 66:9

What about you?

Have you ever said to someone, “Come and see”? How has God opened doors for the gospel where you live? Are you prepared to share your own story of salvation with those you meet along the way? How did you first encounter Jesus Christ and the gospel?

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4 replies on “Come and see”

“Come and see”. So simple yet so life changing and defining! I am sending this to my sister in law. Please pray she reads it and He draw her to come and see.
Keep writing Susan!

Come and see! I live it! Being on His journey brings excitement—truly new every morning! What a joy when He brings people to mind. Maybe you thought you were calling about one thing when you discovered God had planned a different conversation. They are certainly not as coincidental as they appear—no! The beauty of it is unquestionable. Wow! Come and see! How touching, my friend!

I would love to hear from you!

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