Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Dare to hope

Nothing can separate us from His love. Nothing. 

Death begs to differ. Disease and pain try to write a different story. The troubles in this world whisper hopelessness. 

Loss. Division. Fracture. All attempting to question or deny His love, compassion, and care.  

And yet. We dare to hope. Because of our Savior. 

He writes the true story. 

Grave and hope. Image by Gabor Bejo on pixabay.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


For those who need to surrender. Again. I know how it is. Maybe you’re struggling with the call to stay. Or go. I’ve been there. 

Below is a simple heart cry from several years ago. When I felt weak. Empty. 

He heard.

Embers. photo by ugo on unsplash
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Stones in the river

The sand was slippery. Soft. Shifting as we plunged through it to our tents by the river. 

Not just any river. The brilliant blue-green water rushing by this camp was the Ganga, otherwise known as the Ganges. Worshiped by millions of Hindus. 

The Ganga River, Rishikesh, India