Crossing Cultures Devotional


Airport chairs. In the transit area. 

Exhaustion weighs heavy in this middle place. This confined space.

And after the 17-hour flight across the Pacific, we mark time. Until boarding begins. For our next destination. 

No longer living in the former place. Not yet setting foot in the new space. Caught in between. 


Transit area. Image by S Lafferty.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Dare to hope

Nothing can separate us from His love. Nothing. 

Death begs to differ. Disease and pain try to write a different story. The troubles in this world whisper hopelessness. 

Loss. Division. Fracture. All attempting to question or deny His love, compassion, and care.  

And yet. We dare to hope. Because of our Savior. 

He writes the true story. 

Grave and hope. Image by Gabor Bejo on pixabay.
Devotional Memoir

Coming through the night

Motionless. I sit. In sunlight. Stilled by loss and grief spilling across screens and down streets. Through personal stories of friends and strangers. Hard and sad.

Bitter wounds. Raw pain rooted deep. Laid bare.

Motionless. I wait. Stilled by the scale of it. What are we to do? Hands rest, palms up.
Eyes lifted to open sky between tall trees.
Wordless cry to the One I trust. 

Eyes lifted to open sky.