Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Clear the clutter

The realtors come to look at our house. Consider its selling features. Advise on what we must do as we get ready to place it on the market. 

We know we need to clear the clutter. But their first comment? “You sure have a lot of books.”

A few books…

Why, yes. Yes we do. 

Then comes the directive.

“Clear out this bookcase and that one and that one.  Go ahead and pack those books. Store them out of sight.”

Making Disciples Memoir

Prodigal redeemed

On July 16, 2015, our prodigal’s story changed. Today is the anniversary of that day. And below, in his own words, our son tells his story. Many people across the world prayed for him over several years. Praying for more than they knew at the time. To them we say: Thank you. Here is the answer to those prayers.

Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Parenting in the spiritual battle

The journals come in all sizes. Most have survived extremes. Dust and drought. Mold and humidity. It shows. 

They hold my life records. The common, daily occurrences of a cross-cultural life. The ongoing spiritual battle. 

And the struggles of our children in the midst of it all.

Constant illnesses. Anxieties. Hurt. Fears.

In dust and drought. Mold and humidity.

A few journals from the collection.