Devotional Making Disciples

Dismayed by the demand

Ever dismayed by the demand?
Narrow door.
Only one way to
 the Father.
Denying self, 
taking up the cross daily.
So much surrender
the Kingdom of God.
Dismayed by the demand. Image by Keem Ibarra on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Hungry for what?

It’s one of those days. Weeks. Seasons. In various places and spaces of our life. And I struggle with restlessness. Discontentment. Distraction. 

Hungry for something I can’t quite put my finger on.

In the middle of such a season, I read John 4. During morning time in His Word. And pause on the verses that come after the woman at the well heads back to her village. 

The conversation between Jesus and His disciples. 

Hungry? Photo by Kate Remmer, on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Storm. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere. Fierce. Sudden. Unpredictable. 

The recent tornado in Tennessee roared through. In the middle of the night. Unexpected. Devastating.

Today COVID19 continues spreading across the globe at a rapid pace. Insidious. Unsettling. Unknown.

And traveling along under the radar, another kind of storm. Often unspoken. Filtering through conversations and across the airwaves. 


Storm. Photo by Luka Vovk. Unsplash.