Devotional Making Disciples

Dismayed by the demand

Ever dismayed by the demand?
Narrow door.
Only one way to
 the Father.
Denying self, 
taking up the cross daily.
So much surrender
the Kingdom of God.
Dismayed by the demand. Image by Keem Ibarra on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

What if?

Several years ago, in the upheaval of an unexpected move to a different country, I’m struggling.

Questions speak loud. Wake me in the night. 

What if it’s the wrong place? 
What if it doesn’t work?
What if we can’t get permission to stay?
What if…? 

Doubts about the future linger. Rising from underlying fear. In a long season of unanswered questions.

Unexpected move. What if…? Image: Tommaso Pecchioli, Unsplash
Crossing Cultures Devotional

Follow Me

The early morning taxi was en route to the airport and my mind was racing. Were we making the right decision? We had to move out of India, but where? Here? Was this the place? This turn in the path was not something I’d ever imagined would happen.

I stared out the window. It was still dark. Just before dawn. I breathed a prayer for wisdom.  Voiced my uncertainty.

At that moment I saw a well-lit sign on top of a tall building up ahead. Bold red letters painted on white.