Devotional Making Disciples

Dismayed by the demand

Ever dismayed by the demand?
Narrow door.
Only one way to
 the Father.
Denying self, 
taking up the cross daily.
So much surrender
the Kingdom of God.
Dismayed by the demand. Image by Keem Ibarra on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Enter the narrow door

The question lingers through the centuries. Around the world. In religious gatherings. And institutions of learning. City streets. Local hangouts.

And I read it in the Scriptures. The unnamed someone asks Jesus. “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” (Luke 13:23)

Only a few? We hear the concern in our day. Are you saying not everyone goes to heaven? Isn’t that narrow-minded? How can a God of love do that?

Open door. Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash.