Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Be fruitful

Be fruitful and multiply. Woven throughout the Word of God. 

From the garden of Eden. And the covenant with Abraham. Into the new covenant. The Vine and branches. 

The church. 

Be fruitful. Image by Boudewijn Huysmans on Unsplash.


Babel tries to interrupt this plan.  With an attempt to “make a name for ourselves.” 

And in so doing, the people stay put. In one place. Reaching for the sky.

All the while, neglecting the Word of the Lord. His plan.

To fill and subdue the earth.

Be fruitful

We too can stand still. Cloistered in our culture. 

Comfortable. Sheltered. Safe. Holding fast to our language. Clinging to place.

And if we’re not careful, making a name for ourselves. 

But the Lord of all creation still says, Go and be fruitful. Make disciples of all nations. 

From here to the ends of the earth. From this language to multiple other tongues and dialects. 

To the ends of the earth

Consider Babel. Marked now by a scattering of the people. Confusion of language. Division to multiply. Launching diverse cultures. 

To the ends of the earth.

Then comes Pentecost

And a gathering of many nations. Understanding the gospel in their own heart languages. And going. Spreading the word across other cultures. 

To the ends of the earth.


Today the church gathers in worship. And scatters with purpose. Around the world. 

Sending brothers and sisters across streets. Borders. Oceans. To shine His light in the dark. 

We learn heart languages and cross-cultural ways to communicate truth. The gospel.

We abide in the Vine. To be fruitful and multiply. 

Not making a name for ourselves.

But lifting high the Name above all names. 

Every nation

For someday we will gather. 

A multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language. 

From every era of history. Each place on planet. From megacities to unmapped backroads.

And we will worship the King of kings and Lord of lords. Together. Before His throne. 


What about you?

How has the Lord grown your understanding of “be fruitful” through His Word? And His church?

He is enoughdaily abidingBeauty of timingAbiding in ChristTrue loveAbiding with little and muchLiving water – 

6 replies on “Be fruitful”

This is such neat timing! My church and I were just talking about these themes in Scripture and the need to pursue understanding of others’ heart languages!

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