Devotional Making Disciples

Abiding with little and much

Abiding in Christ. It’s how we live and grow as believers. How we stay rooted. And fruitful.

Woman studying the Bible
My parents have taught me by example how to abide in Christ through prayer and the Word. In little and in much.

But what happens when the props are gone? No church down the street or across town. No familiar worship gathering in the heart language.  

What happens when you don’t have a list of small group Bible studies to choose from. No Bible study workbooks for purchase. 

And the internet is unreliable. Spotty. Occasional. 

Perhaps you’ve been there. Or you are there.

Back to the basics

In our home country we’re rich with resources for studying the Word. Wealthy in occasions for fellowship and prayer. 

It’s available. Convenient. A short drive or one click away.

But sometimes on this journey of wherever He leads, all of that is gone. And we land in a place where believers are few and far between. 

Suddenly what is necessary is all we have. Back to the basics.

Treasure in the scarcity

It feels like loss, initially. Spiritual poverty. 

We miss the availability of biblical materials. The fire hydrant of books and blogs and websites and podcasts. Libraries.

It can be disorienting. 

But then we continue seeking Him. Abiding in the Vine who is our life. 

And we discover treasure in the “scarcity.” It’s truly what we need.

All we need.

Others around the world operate in this reality of the barest essentials. And some don’t even have a copy of the Word of God. 

We can learn from them.

Abiding in Christ

Learn the simple way of abiding in Christ. 

Prayer. His Word. The Holy Spirit. Obedience.

It’s a matter of listening and waiting in His presence. Eating and meditating on the Word gathered that day. Remembering that the indwelling Holy Spirit is our Teacher. 

Abiding in Christ is the gospel-centered life—dying to self and living out His Truth. Walking in His ways. 

Simply connecting with others through witness and fellowship.

Abiding with much

Today I’m back in the land of plenty. And don’t have to go very far to find biblical resources and studies. We fellowship in a large church, with brothers and sisters who’ve walked many years by faith.  And new believers who are just beginning their journey with Him.

Our focus is to send transformed people to influence their world for Christ. We are encouraged to “live sent.”

It’s a blessing to glean wisdom from saints long obedient. And be a part of a community that emphasizes discipleship and making disciples. I don’t take these riches for granted.

But it doesn’t take long to see that in a saturated spiritual environment, it’s possible to miss the true.  

In the midst of much, my heart can run toward a quick word at hand. And miss the still, small voice. 

If I’m not careful, I avoid the personal nourishment of daily bread in favor of instant everything. Of what’s already provided.

Because instant is available, With hardly any effort. 

The secret of being content

Talking about his physical needs, Paul said, “I know both how to make do with little, and I know how to make do with a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well-fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need” (Philippians 4:12).  

Learning contentment in the place of little is expected. I count on the difficulty of that assignment. 

Learning contentment in the place of much is surprising. Unexpected. But needful.

 The secret? Abiding in Christ through prayer and the Word. Daily. Personally.

Making Christ everything, my all in all–no matter what. 

“Teach me Your way, O Lord, that I may walk in Your truth.” With little and with much.

What about you?

What are you learning in the place of scarcity? The place of plenty?

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15 replies on “Abiding with little and much”

Susan, you always offer a lot of food for thought. Thanks for letting God use you to help other believers. – Janette

This was food for my soul, especially as this past month or so has been a trying time for my mind. I’ve had to push myself to abide more and just look to His Word for truth. I always love your posts! Please keep them coming!

Phil. 4:12 was one of the verses we leaned on when we first returned to the USA. I found it deceptively more difficult to be content when I was in a situation of “plenty’ than when in situations of “want.” Truly, godliness with contentment is great gain.

I’m often at a loss to see scarcity in my life. I think I have more than enough “things” but sometimes struggle with expectations.

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