We walk. Blue-skied afternoon. Fallen leaves swirling on the path. Picked up and scattered by the wind.
An after-Thanksgiving-dinner tradition, this walk takes us through shade and cold. To places in the sun. Beside the lake. Where water moves, reflecting rays.

Conversations and laughter accompany this walk. As we breathe cool air in the shifting light.
The evidence of God’s creation and Presence is all around us on that restful stroll through the neighborhood. And I think about the ways God speaks. Breathes. And moves.
God speaks.
And the universe is rolled out in precise detail. From that time on, Creation declares. Shouts the glory of God.
The heavens pour forth speech. Breathing magnificence to the uttermost parts of the earth. [Psalm 19]
Skies and oceans. Mountains and canyons. Flora and fauna. Men and women and children. The works of the Almighty startle us into awe. Of the One who made them all.
Creation continues giving witness, regardless of location. Those far from other people are never far from glorious evidence. Of our Creator God.
The Scriptures
God breathes.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
“Inspired”? Literally, “breathed out” by God.
God-breathed words. Each one present and on the page because He put it there. Long ago. Through ordinary people of various personalities, gifting, and walks of life.
Scripture inscribed on papyrus and parchment. Preserved by the One whose mystery and message it speaks.
Detailing the glorious purpose and unfolding plan of the Holy One. Through History. Instruction. Prayer. Promise. Covenant. Prophecy. Gospel. Revelation.
Jesus Christ
God walks.
The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ. Fully God and fully man. Walking on land. And water.
Teaching the crowds on mountainsides and from fishing boats. Speaking personally to men and women. And children.
Healing. Forgiving. Restoring. Setting captives free.
He reveals the glory of God as the Son of God. Speaking the truth as no other can.
He says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will also know my Father” (John 14:6,7).
In Christ, God speaks forgiveness. And victory over sin and death. Through the cross. By the death, burial and resurrection of His Son.
The Spirit of God
God moves.
His Spirit moves and convicts. And seals our salvation.
He speaks the glory of Christ. Teaching us His words and equipping us to walk in His ways.
Producing fruit that reveals the eternal, abundant life.
Truth on display in the earthen vessels He transforms and fills and flows through.
His servants
God speaks through His followers. His servants.
Entrusting the message of His glory and salvation to our hesitant lips. Making the ordinary His ambassadors of the extraordinary.
Proclaimers of the gospel to the ends of the earth.
So we declare the glory of God. We speak the wonders of His ways.
We testify to the Truth of the gospel.
Watch and listen
We watch and listen on the slow Thanksgiving walk. See the red leaves. Hear geese on the lake. Enjoy the cool breeze and warm sun. Listen to one another.
We learn to watch and listen as we walk this life journey. Attentive to our God. Who speaks and breathes and moves. Revealing glimpses of His glory.
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4 replies on “God speaks”
Such a great reflective post that reminds me to slow down, take in all the beauty, think on the Lord, and go out as an ambassador. 🥰
Thanks for stating it beautifully and succinctly, sister! Thankful for you.
Susan, I’m reminded of these words from an old hymn that is rarely sung today: “And He walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. And the joys we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known.”
Bettie, thanks for sharing this! My mom would break into song all the time throughout the day when I was growing up. And this was one of those that I heard often.