
Disregard for Truth

The story of Jehoiakim in Jeremiah 36 gets me every time. The king of Judah showing blatant disregard for Truth. Seeking to destroy the word of the Lord. 

Fire. Photo by CMDR Shane on Unsplash

The prophecy

Jeremiah the prophet is confined at the time. Not allowed into the temple. So he carefully dictates God’s prophecy to Baruch, who pens it in ink. On a scroll. 

 This prophecy is a warning. In response to the wickedness of the people. Disaster is coming if they don’t repent. They must turn from their evil ways. 

And live in obedience to the Lord their God. 

During a day of fasting, Baruch reads the scroll aloud in the temple. And it strikes fear in the hearts of those who hear. 

The knife and the fire pot

When it’s brought to his attention, King Jehoiakim tells Jehudi to bring the scroll and read it to him.

Every time Jehudi finishes reading part of the scroll, the king cuts off that piece. And throws it into his fire pot.

As if a knife would remove the sword of the Lord.

As though fire could destroy the indestructible words of the Almighty.

Casual deletions

Jehoiakim is not cut to the heart.  He doesn’t fall on his face in grief and repentance.

No. He casually discards truth. Displays utter contempt. 

We’re not so far from the knife and the fire pot in this day and age. Casual deletions from the Word of God to please the sensitivities of the world.

Or teachers and preachers simply brush past the hard parts that don’t fit the message of the day. It’s easier that way. 

The Word is preserved

After Jehoiakim obliterates the scroll, the Lord God Almighty instructs Jeremiah. 

“Write it again.”  

The Word is not lost in a wicked king’s fire pot or furnace. It is preserved and passed on. 

Through captivity and exile, across hundreds of years. Thousands. 

It speaks out loud and clear and true. 

Prophecy fulfilled and continuing to impact those who hear.

The Word of God remains

Today across the world there are still political leaders and governments who disregard the Truth. And seek to destroy the Word of God. They look for ways to confine or take out authentic preachers of the gospel.  

Churches are burned. Houses destroyed. Believers are scattered. Arrested. Copies of the Bible are confiscated.

But the Word of God remains. Scripture continues piercing hearts. 

If anyone has ears to hear, let him listen.

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15 replies on “Disregard for Truth”

Yes, Susan! Many are trying to destroy or disregard Truth to their peril. Thank you for reminding us all to listen carefully and respond/repent as the Spirit leads!

The enemy today is more subtle in some countries but the evil one takes every opportunity to dilute as well as destroy. How wonderful that we know God’s Word is powerful for eternity!

Well said dear Susan!! Being older now brings to light more and more how TRUTH is disregarded!

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