In the midst of the move, fears slip in. Without permission. A thin thread of doubt weaves its way through my mind. Second guesses undermine trust.

Trust in the One who leads us.
“Be sober-minded, be alert,” Peter says (1 Peter 5:8). Somedays I’m catching my breath and need this reminder. Front and center.
The Lord’s leadership
Right in the middle of upheaval, I read Deuteronomy. About a people who journey and set up camp and live in transition. Daily.
They’re not wandering around on their own. In fact there’s visual evidence of the Lord’s leadership.
Pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. The great I AM, Lord of all creation goes before them.
Leading. Providing for their needs. Fighting for them.
He carries them “as a man carries his son all along the way” (Deuteronomy 1:29-31).
Perfect provision. And yet.
You do not trust
The next verses tell the true. How things really are.
“…In spite of this you did not trust the Lord your God, who went before you on the journey to seek out a place for you to camp” (Deuteronomy 1:32-33).
They do not trust the Lord their God. The One who rescues them from slavery and captivity. Who parts the sea so they can escape the enemy on dry land.
They do not trust the personal involvement of their Creator. Preparing the way before His people. Seeking their next campsite.
Leading them to the promised land of milk and honey.
Trust disturbed
Stiff-necked, He calls them. People who have their own ideas about how everything is supposed to play out.
This narrow, stubborn focus sounds familiar. Personal.
My ideas of timing and comfort and the right “campsite” so easily pull my heart away.
Divide my thoughts. Disturb my trust.
Even when His plan and provision are so evident. And excellent.
“Trust Me”
I stop in the middle of the road and confess anxious thoughts. The what-ifs that crowd my mind.
Then, there’s a simple, quiet word. Gentle. True.
“Trust Me.”
In the swirl of choosing and sorting and packing and giving away. “Trust Me.”
On the fast train of moving and meeting. Goodbyes and hellos. Transition. “Trust Me.”
With the change of pace and place. “Trust Me.”
And so I do.
I surrender to the Lord my God.
And in that simple act, the doubts flee. Disappearing at the smallest step of faith.
He is trustworthy
Rejoice in the One who is trustworthy and faithful. Glorious. Worthy of our praise.
Give thanks that His way is perfect and His word is true.
Somedays the way may look complicated and overwhelming. The next place may not fit our idea of the right campsite.
But may we be alert. And recognize the invasion of fear or doubt.
Surrender these to Him.
And obey His word.
“Trust Me.”
What about you?
Have you seen the provision of the Lord, yet doubted? Do you ever struggle with second-guessing His path for you? What reminds you to stay alert?
RELATED POSTS: When I am afraid I will trust in You ; Surrender and worship ; Tents and altars ; Stability ; Stones in the river
22 replies on “Trust Me”
A timely beautiful word. But it seems like this word is ALWAYS timely😂. Learning to remember His faithfulness.
Thank you.
Yes, ALWAYS! Something we continually learn, eh sister? 🙂
As always beautiful, tangible reminders of how to “move” through this journey.
Thank you, friend😊
Well-said! Trust Him who brought me to this place to bring me through. Prayers and tears together.
Yes. He will bring you through! Grace to you, friend.
Divide my thoughts. Disturb my trust… love that picture dear friend! When our thoughts get divided, our trust disturbed, doubt sneaks in the crevices… oh such a great truth…thank you
You have been through the fire…and trusted Him. You encourage me, sister.
God has reminded me lately that He has been faithful in the past. Why would He stop now? God doesn’t change or shift like shadows. He is faithful even when I feel like the circumstances around me are hard to look beyond. He is faithful! He has never left me. Remembering the past helps me trust today. 🙂 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9 NIV
Amen, sister! Remembering is such an important part of our faith walk.
It can be difficult to be alert and recognize when I’m so caught up in a situation. Thank you for turning my eyes, again, to Him.
So true. Even after long years of walking with Him, I still need reminders to trust. Grace to you, sister.
Printing and putting in my journal – it is truth that reads my heart!
Thankful, friend!
Oh how often I am stiffnecked and don’t see the Lord’s provision, but grumble. Such a great reminder of where I need to keep my focus. To trust all that He has for my life. To know that His provision is all that I need.
Yes, I don’t want to be a “stiff-necked grumbler” either! Thanks for sharing, sister. Grace to you as you walk in His provision.
Love you my friend ! Yes those days and moments creep into my life as well . I have to stop….. get a clear verse from His scripture like above and pray . Then I humbly ask for His sweet hand to carry me on to whatever journey He gives . Hugs and prayers for your family
Thanks for sharing, sister. Love you too! Great is His faithfulness in those days and moments.
Don’t let the advocacy of the “south-siders” and “west-siders” on staff divert you from “camping” where God leads!
😄 I laughed out loud…you do know the drill 😊
I struggle with this a lot. One example is when the Lord provided everything for me moving to Texas in 1991 but then my teaching situation was so horrible for two years…
But even today, I often question His path for me especially when it seems it’s not straightforward or what I thought it would be.
Prov 3:5-6 always reminds me!
Love you!
Yes, Proverbs 3:5-6! And leaning not on my own understanding…so important. Thanks for sharing this. Love you!